Attributions and Licensing
Quick Reference
- Maps using only DragonMaps-provided assets: Non-commercial use only
- Maps incorporating your own assets: Commercial and non-commercial use allowed
- Always provide attribution to DragonMaps and asset creators
Asset Sources and Licenses
1. Venatusmaps Assets
License: BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Creative Commons
- You can share and adapt the material
- Must provide attribution
- Non-commercial use only
- Adaptations must be shared under the same license
2. Gogots Assets
License: CAL-BY-NC
- Require attribution
- Can only be used for non-commercial purposes
- Commercial usage is forbidden in any way.
3. Crosshead Studios
License: CC-NC-SA 4.0
- Must provide attribution
- Non-commercial use only
- Adaptations must be shared under the same license
4. SmallDungeon
License: No Explicit License
- These assets from SmallDungeon can only be used for non-commercial.
5. Neovatar
License: CC BY 4.0
- Must provide attribution
- Commercial and non-commercial use allowed
6. MalosPaths
License: No Explicit License
These assets from MalosPaths can be used for:
- No Attribution Required.
- Can be used for commerical or none commercial.
7. Adayat
License: CAL-BY-AS
- Attribution required
- Non-commercial use only
8. Matt's Massive Maps Menagerie
License: Unknown
Please keep in mind that these are old assets from a creator that can no longer be contacted. Although there are no limits on what you can or cannot do with these assets, it is adviced to use them for non-commercial only. You are responsible for your actions and cannot put any blame on DragonMaps from using these assets.
9. Skront
License: No commercial, no attribute, no edits
DragonMaps Licensing Terms
- Your original contributions belong to you
- Maps using only DragonMaps-provided assets: Non-commercial use only
- Maps incorporating your own assets: Commercial and non-commercial use allowed
- Always provide attribution to DragonMaps and asset creators
- You can share, adapt, and build upon your maps
Practical Guidelines
You can:
- Use maps for personal or commercial gaming sessions (depending on assets used)
- Share maps on community platforms (with proper attribution)
- Modify or build upon created maps
You must:
- Provide attribution to DragonMaps and asset creators
- Respect non-commercial restrictions for DragonMaps-provided assets
For any questions about asset or map usage, please contact us.